Are We Ready?

Yesterday, our UPS man delivered a package to our home. I’d last spoken with him about three weeks ago, when he told me he’d been working extremely long hours since the COVID-19 quarantine began.

This time I said, “I’ll bet you’ve become even busier in recent weeks.”

“Actually,” he said, “it’s slowed way down.”

“Any idea of why?”

“People have run out of money.”

Also yesterday, protestors carried guns into Michigan’s capitol building demonstrating against the governor’s stay-at-home order. That same day, I heard a woman who’d previously been extremely cautious say, “I’m so done with the coronavirus.”

These stories tell me that the virus has been successful in interfering with our inclination toward materiality. 

And yet, at the same time, I’m palpating a reluctance among many people to get back to work. Perhaps they sense we haven’t yet grasped what we need to learn from this situation to safely return. 

Coronavirus, invisible to the naked eye, carries an intelligence. Why did it manifest? Why at this time? 

To me, our predicament mirrors a severe imbalance within ourselves, one that will need to be addressed before we can confidently move on. 

If we find a vaccine for COVID-19 without remedying our collective imbalance, surely something new will manifest to catalyze us in moving toward a healthier trajectory. 

The choice is ours. And since we cannot see the virus, it would be best for us to look within for direction. At The Last Healer, we’ll continue to publish podcasts offering guidance in how to search in this way.


Stuart Bernstein